Sunday, July 13, 2008

Minneapolis Farmer's Market

Yesterday my mom, sister and I went to the Minneapolis Farmer's Market. I am always amazed at how huge it is! There are so many fun colors, smells and interesting people at the market. Below are a couple of the photos that I took while I was there.

We found some really good deals on fruits and vegetables! We all got a lot of strawberries and we are going to make jam. Mom and Esther also got a lot of blueberries.

I always love the varieties of flowers that they have for sale. This time of year they also have a lot of potted plants and flowers that are ready to be planted in your yard. A lot of people had plants really cheap because it is their last day to sell them for the season.

Esther, always looking for a deal, found this whole thing of potatoes for $3.00! She also got some fresh dill and she is going to make roasted potatoes with dill.


  1. Farmer's Markets are so much fun :)

  2. I love your banner.
    Really nice shots of the farmer's market. I'm glad I saw your post in the etsy thread.

  3. Wow, beautiful photos. Thank you for the comment on my blog :)

  4. I just love your pictures, nice job.

    Lu :)

  5. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Very nice photos... and that looks like a large farmer's market.. much larger than ours... but I do love going to market!

  6. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I love your banner, where is that?

    This post makes me want to go to my farmer's market. thanks for the push!

  7. Lovely pictures! Wish I had a similar place to visit!

  8. hey becca! You have a really cute blog, and you take great pictures! Thanks for visiting mine! I'm gonna go look around your shop...

  9. Great pics! Those little red tomatoes -- my husband has been picking them up from the U Farmer's Market. We chop them up in tiny cubes, throw them in a piece of foil with some butter, salt, and pepper and throw them on the grill with whatever we're grilling that night. It's a great side dish that we learned from his mother. And those little red potatoes have been delicious this year...!

  10. Great Blog Becca! What a big farmers market a lot bigger than in RI. Thanks for commenting my blog....

  11. Becca - I'm so glad you commented on my blog because I've LOVED reading yours! Your photography is just amazing and so is your etsy shop.

  12. Wonderful shots of the farmer's market!

  13. becca, thanks for visiting my blog! i love the farmers market too, all those wonderful fruits & veggies. i love your banner on your blog it's perfect!

  14. I love going to farmer's markets! I also enjoyed reading your blog and thanks for visiting mine!

  15. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I found you on the etsy forum yesterday and I love your happy banner. I love the farmer's market too. I live in Southern California and I have 6 market to choose from...

  16. Love your photos...especially the flower buckets and veggies on the table! Super looking blog you have!

  17. Wow! Gorgeous pics of the farmer's market. I just copied off pics of the farm. What a walk down memory lane. Kristi

  18. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Wow! Farmer's market pics are awesome. Just finished copying farm pictures - what a walk down memory lane. kristi
